About us

It's not about us. It's about you.

That’s why we ask questions. Lots of questions. After all, we want to know everything about you. Only then can we discover your story. Find out your target group. And uncover your difference from your competitors. Because your company is unique.
And that should clear in all communications.

OK, of course you want to know who we are too
Awesome to meet you, Pixxels. The web agency in Rotterdam.

Hey! At Pixxels, we understand that your website needs to grow with your business. But what if that doesn’t happen? What if your website, which was once fresh and relevant

+15 years’ experience

Trustpilot 4.9 out of 5

Average rating 9.6

What we do for you

What you can expect from us

This is where our talents lie

With these services, we ensure an irresistible website that grabs and holds attention!

Bjørn Bekkers

Founder / WordPress Developer

Bjørn Bekkers

Founder / WordPress Developer

Our team

Not tinkers, but professionals


Permanent partner
Photo & Video content


Permanent partner
Web design


Permanent partner
Web design


Permanent partner


Permanent partner
Copywriter (SEO)


Join us on our adventure?

15+ year



2 awards won

Our core values

This is what you can expect from us. Always.


A creative website will set you apart from the competition. It makes you stand out and customers choose you.


A bit of boldness on your website acts like a sparkling shop window: visitors are enticed to take action.


Our websites not only look like a Fuerteventura sunset. They are also functional, user-friendly and future-proof.


No website can find its passage into the future without a dash of creativity. Creativity involves showing yourself and standing out from the competition.


Working with Pixxels is bold, we challenge you to see where your comfort zone lies and try to step out of it. Because those who do not stand out are ignored.


What if competitors want to copy you? Sounds like a compliment, right? We make your website a figurehead in the industry, the website that everyone uses as an example!

Start today with a website that does work!

Start today with the
tomorrow's website

Do you wait until the competitors have gone before you or do you take the first step yourself?

Voor bestaande klanten

For existing customers